Thursday, August 12, 2010

Banana delight

After a hot, spicy meal, my family likes to have a sweet dish to call it a day. They love ice cream and in summer have more than enough of it, day in and day out. But in winter, I like to serve ice cream with a warm element. Like hot, baked fruit. And what better fruit to bake in a jiffy, than the ubiquitous banana! It's a very easy dessert to put together and my family loves the hot-cold, sweet combination. It is a saviour when there are unexpected guests and there is no pudding in store!

Serves 4
Preparation and cooking time : 10 to 15 minutes


1. Firm and ripe bananas - 4
2. Sugar - 4 teaspoons
3. Butter or ghee - 2 tablespoons
4. Cinnamon powder - 1/4 teaspoon


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.

2. Peel and halve each banana lengthwise.

3. Smear the banana halves with some butter or ghee.

4. Smear the baking tin with the rest of the butter or ghee.

5. Place the banana halves on the buttered tin with the cut sides facing up.

6. Sprinkle the sugar and the cinnamon powder on the bananas.

7. Bake till the sugar caramelizes and the bananas look cooked. It will take about 10 to 12 minutes. The bananas should have a golden brown colour.

8. Take out and serve the hot baked bananas with a scoop of ice cream immediately.


Any variety of normal-sized, firm, ripe  banana that is easily available, may be used. Avoid the small varieties for this recipe.

While removing from the baking tin, it does not matter if the fruit breaks.

Cinnamon powder can be substituted with cardamom powder or a tiny tiny  bit of orange or lime zest, if you like the citrus zing.

I like to serve it with plain vanilla ice cream, though any mild flavour that you like would probably do.

Other toppings like toasted nut bits or chocolate syrup may be used, but I prefer it plain or with ice cream.

Keep the dessert plates ready, as this dish is best served quickly.

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